Winter Sale Finale: 15% extra discount on selected items Men | Women | Kids

Return/ Complaint


If you don't like an item or the size doesn't fit, you can return it to us free of charge. Use our returns service for a free return and conveniently download your return label.

  1. Please fill out the returns form. (number of returns)
  2. Now stick the return label on the package. Simply paste over the old label or make it unrecognisable.
  3. Depending on the service provider, simply hand in your return free of charge at one of the numerous branches.
    Note: Keep the receipt until you have received confirmation from us that your return has been received.


Sometimes it happens that articles have a defect or are faulty. In this case, you can send the item back to us for inspection. If the complaint is justified, we will refund your money or send you a replacement item as soon as possible. Please enclose an exact description of the defect with your return and pay for the return in advance.